Beaver, Foland, cheesemaking (2)

Beaver Cheese Factory

Beaver Cheese Factory, 1893
Elizabeth Foland, Ike Heiner

This 1893 photo shows two cheesemakers at the Beaver Cheese Factory. Ike Heiner (left) was the cheesemaker; Elizabeth Foland (right) was a rare woman assisting in the factory. According to "The Tillamook Way," Ike worked at Beaver for 30 years after the cooperative was formed by Merriman Foland, Joe Bixby, Walter West, Al Bunn, William Saling and others. (Photo courtesy of the Oregon Historical Society)

Cold Storage, TPL D67477 89, Richards Studio (small)

Storage of Cheese in Main Factory

Storage of Cheese

After the large factory was built north of Tillamook in 1949, cheese was stored and aged uniformly in refrigerated rooms. Some of the wheels of cheese were being stored because production outstripped sales. (Credit: Tacoma Public Library, D67477-89, Richards Studio)

A 1964 Cheese & Dairy ad envisioned a new sign over the Tillamook cheese

1964 Cheese & Dairy Ad

In this ad, the front of the Tillamook cheese factory was envisioned with the name of the owner of its cheese-making equipment written along the roof edge. However, the lettering wasn't added. Inside the factory, Cheese & Dairy produced Premium Brand Cheese. (Credit: Headlight-Herald)

Credit: Richards Studio, Tacoma Public Library

Area Farm

A typical farm in Tillamook, Oregon was photographed in 1952. (Credit: Tacoma Public Library, D67477-59, Richards Studio)

Premium Brand brochure section

Premium Brand Cheese Brochure (map)

In 1964, Cheese & Dairy produced a Premium Brand Cheese sales brochure featuring an aerial view of Tillamook CounPremium Brand section of drawingty. A portion of the drawing is shown here.

The History of the Tillamook, Oregon Cheese War

Tillamook, Oregon is known for its cheese. Less well known, except to locals who experienced it, is the Cheese War of the 1960s. More information is in the book, Cheese War, available now. Read some reviews and buy a copy from OSU Press, your local bookstore or Amazon. And now, Cheese War has been turned into a Talking Book by the Oregon State Library!

This website contains documents, photos and newspaper articles that add to the history of the Cheese War. Also visit our Facebook page!