Category Archives: Strike

Information about a strike at the Tillamook Cheese Factory in Tillamook, Oregon in the 1950s.

1959 Strike

1959 Strike

Strike! In July 1959, Tillamook County Creamery Association employees were on strike in solidarity with their Teamster members. Farmers and some non-striking workers filled in to keep production and distribution going. Teamster President Jimmy Hoffa spoke in support and Gov. Mark Hatfield got involved in the negotiations. Grocery store shoppers boycotted the product in 11… READ MORE

Timeline, Pre-1960s

1850s – David Wilson brought the first domesticated cows into the area1889 – Merriman Foland and Bob Richards became Tillamook’s first commercial cheesemakers1894 – Peter McIntosh, a Canadian, brought his full-cream cheddar recipe to Tillamook and shared it with the cheesemakers1909 – 10 factories formed a marketing cooperative and named it Tillamook County Creamery Association1919… READ MORE

Bombing at Dixon Home

On May 19, 1960, Beale Dixon’s home and car were bombed with dynamite. He told The Oregonian, “I just have no idea who would be wanting to do such a thing….” but many wondered if it was connected to a labor strike at the Tillamook cheese factory a year earlier that didn’t conclude until Oregon’s… READ MORE

Articles from The Oregonian

The following articles, ads and photos relevant to the Cheese War appeared in issues of The Oregonian. All material is available on microfilm. The chronology also provides an overview of the Cheese War. (Credit: The Oregonian) Reprint Permissions, The Oregonian Date Headline Oct 30, 1949 Photo and caption: Northwest’s Largest Cheese Plant Opened at Tillamook… READ MORE