Cheese War, the book, has been published by Oregon State University Press. Read all about this history/memoir, and order it from OSU Press or your favorite local/online retailer! Here are several reviews:
And here’s an article about writing the book, plus a video of one of our author talks. In addition, here are the instructions for tour guides from an era when visitors to the large factory north of Tillamook were allowed to walk up to the vats of curds and whey, and feel the chill of the cold storage room.
The Animal Legal Defense Fund sued Tillamook County Creamery Association in August 2019 for deceptive marketing practices that result in consumers paying more for its products. The alleged deception is the advertising, which features Tillamook farm scenes and farmers, even though most of the milk and much of the cheese comes from two huge dairies in Eastern Oregon and is turned into cheese products there. In August 2022, the judge modified the lawsuit to narrow the definition of who could participate in the class action lawsuit. Here are three articles with more information about the lawsuit:;;
Finally: Cheese War is becoming a talking book, thanks to the Oregon State Library!