Timeline, 1967

Cheese War

Event DateEventSource (See key below.)
2-1967At its annual membership meeting, Cheese & Dairy officials reported that sales had exceeded $3 million and monthly earnings had increased.  

Winning awards at the Oregon Dairy Industries contest were cheesemakers Dean Daggett, Ron Jones, Lloyd Wright, and Fritz Baumgartner, while John Sheldon won awards for ice cream.  
H-H, 2-27-1967
2-1967The pool price for Grade A quota milk increased slightly for the market area that included Tillamook County, according to Bob Ely, milk stabilization chief for the Oregon Department of Agriculture.  H-H, 3-5-1967  
3-29-1967Cheese & Dairy bought back its cheese inventory from Foremost Dairies and amicably ended its marketing agreement with Foremost. Cheese & Dairy officials will conduct their own marketing in an effort to gain a greater return for their producers.  H-H, 4-2-1967  
4-24-1967Cheese production will triple as a result of an agreement that Cheese & Dairy made with Cow Milkers, Incorporated to bring in 100,000 pounds of milk daily.  H-H, 4-27-1967
6-1967A machine that wraps random weights of cheese was installed at Cheese & Dairy’s plant. A photograph published in the Headlight-Herald showed people watching the machine in action. The group included Hans Leuthold, board chairman; Les Thorpe, manager of TC&DA; and Bob Blaser, board member.  H-H, 6-22-1967  
 Key to sources:  
H-HHeadlight-Herald, a weekly newspaper published in Tillamook, Oregon.   Northwest Dairy News: a farm newspaper published twice a month in Seattle,   Washington by Northwest Farm News, Inc.  
Journal: Oregon Journal, a daily newspaper published in Portland, Oregon.   Oregonian: a daily newspaper published in Portland, Oregon  
Portland Reporter: a daily newspaper published in Portland, Oregon from 1960 to 1964.  
Satterfield: The Tillamook Way: A History of the Tillamook County Creamery Association, a Farmer-owned Cooperative; written by Archie Satterfield; published by Tillamook County Creamery Association; Tillamook, Oregon; 2000.  
Shopping Smiles: Shopping Smiles, a sister newspaper to the Headlight-Herald, was published weekly in Tillamook, Oregon.